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The MyPCMyWay™ logo used throughout the MyPCMyWay™ sites was designed for and is owned by MyPCMyWay™.  Use of this logo without the express permission of MyPCMyWay's™ owners is strictly prohibited!


(MyPCMyWay.info is one of five sites registered by the owners of MyPCMyWay™.  The content provided here is basic computer support based on the owner's experiences and personal knowledge.  The support on MyPCMyWay.biz is subscription based and will include more detailed support features.  These services are limited tech support designed to help users maintain/troubleshoot/upgrade their own systems with recommendations from the site's owners and the community of other "members."  Other services, not initially covered by the limited support of the website (ie. local home visits), may be provided at additional costs to members.  If you find that you need a greater level of support than MyPCMyWay.com provides or you would like to help build an online network of member provided support, we invite you to go to MyPCMyWay.biz and become a paying subscriber!)

























